#ifndef ICCLIENT_CLIENT_H #define ICCLIENT_CLIENT_H struct icclient_product; struct icclient_catalog; struct icclient_user; struct icclient_ord_order; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! * \brief A function that needs to be run first. * \param url Server root URL. * \param certificate Path to the CA certificate file. * \return True if the initialisation works, false otherwise. */ bool icclient_init(const char *url, const char *certificate); /*! * \brief For fetching data about products that belong a specific group. * \param handler A pointer to a cURL write function callback. * \param catalogptr A pointer to pointer to the catalog to store the data. * \param prodgroup The name of the product group. */ void icclient_results(size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata), struct icclient_catalog **catalogptr, const char *prodgroup); /*! * \brief For fetching data about all active products. * \param handler A pointer to a cURL write function callback. * \param catalogptr A pointer to pointer to the catalog to store the data. */ void icclient_allproducts(size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size , size_t nmemb, void *userdata) , struct icclient_catalog **catalogptr); /*! * \brief For fetching data about a specific product. * \param handler A pointer to a cURL write function callback. * \param productptr A pointer to pointer to the product to store the data. * \param sku The SKU of the item to order. */ void icclient_flypage(size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata), struct icclient_product **productptr, const char *sku); /*! * \brief For putting an item to a cart. * \param orderptr A pointer to pointer to the order. * \param sku The SKU of the item to order. * \param catalog A pointer to the catalog from which the item is. */ void icclient_order(struct icclient_ord_order **orderptr, const char *sku , struct icclient_catalog *catalog); void icclient_newaccount(size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size , size_t nmemb, void *userdata) , struct icclient_user *user , const char *username, const char *password , const char *verify, const char *successpage , const char *nextpage, const char *failpage); void icclient_login(size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size , size_t nmemb, void *userdata) , struct icclient_user *user , const char *username, const char *password , const char *successpage, const char *nextpage , const char *failpage); void icclient_logout(); void icclient_page(const char *path , size_t (*handler)(void *contents, size_t size , size_t nmemb, void *userdata) , void **dataptr); void icclient_freeproduct(struct icclient_product *product); void icclient_freecatalog(struct icclient_catalog *catalog); void icclient_cleanup(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // ICCLIENT_CLIENT_H