[tmp page_title]__COMPANY__ -- [L]Receipt[/L][/tmp] [tmpn display_class]noleft[/tmpn] @_TOP_@

[msg arg="__COMPANY__"]Thank you for shopping at %s[/msg]

[msg arg="[value mv_order_number]"]Your Order Number is %s[/msg]

[msg arg="[pikul_order order_number='[value mv_order_number]' insurance=0]"]Your Tracking Number is %s[/msg]

[L]Your order is being electronically processed and will be shipped soon.[/L]

[L]Continue Shopping[/L]

[L]Order Details[/L]

[if value mv_handling] [/if]
[L]Order Date[/L]: [time]%b %e, %Y[/time]
[L]Order #[/L]: [value mv_order_number]
[L]Payment Method[/L]: [value mv_payment]
[L]Shipping Method[/L]: [shipping_desc]
[L]Handling Charge[/L]: [loop list="[value mv_handling]"] [loop-change 1] [condition]1[/condition] [else]
[/else] [/loop-change 1] [either][shipping_desc mode="[loop-code]"][or][L]CHARGED[/L][/either] [/loop]
[L]Shipping Address[/L]: [value fname] [value lname]
[if value company][value company]
[/if] [value address1]
[if value address2][value address2]
[/if] [value city], [value state] [value zip]
[value country]
[value phone_day]
[value email]
[L]Billing Address[/L]: [if value mv_same_billing] ([L]same as shipping[/L]) [else] [value b_fname] [value b_lname]
[value b_address1]
[if value b_address2][value b_address2]
[/if] [value b_city], [value b_state] [value b_zip]
[value b_country]
[value phone_day]
[value email] [/else] [/if]
[comment] Handle downloadables [/comment] [perl products] sub get_download { if (! $Scratch->{download_present}) { return '(Must pay by credit card to download now.)'; } my $sku = shift; return '' unless tag_data('products', 'download', $sku); my $loc = tag_data('products', 'dl_location', $sku); my $save = delete $Scratch->{mv_add_dot_html}; my $url = $Tag->area( { href => "deliver/$loc", no_session_id => 1, no_count => 1, arg => $sku, form => $Scratch->{mv_autocreate}, } ); $Scratch->{mv_add_dot_html} = $save if $save; return qq{
}; } return; [/perl]
[item-list] [if-item-param pay_cert_code] [/if-item-param] [if-item-field download] [/if-item-field] [/item-list] [if value mv_shipmode] [/if] [if value mv_handling] [/if] [if scratch pay_cert_total] [/if]
[L]Item Description[/L] [L]Each[/L]  [L]Quantity[/L] [L]Total[/L]  
[image sku="[item-code]" makesize="75x75" default="../thumb.gif" imagesubdir=items]
[item-sku] [if-modifier size]
SIZE-->[item-modifier size][/if-modifier][if-modifier color] COLOR-->[item-modifier color][/if-modifier] [if-item-field option_type]
[item-options label=1 bold=1 price=1 type=display] [/if-item-field] [if-item-modifier mv_ad]
[item-modifier mv_ad]
[item-discount-price] [item-quantity] [item-discount-subtotal]
[tmp pc][area href="cert/[item-param pay_cert_code]/[item-param pay_cert_check]" no-session=1][/tmp] Give this URL to pass on the gift certificate: [scratch pc]
SUBTOTAL [subtotal]
SALES TAX [salestax]
SHIPPING [shipping]
HANDLING [handling]
TOTAL [total-cost]
GIFT CERTIFICATE [currency][scratch pay_cert_total][/currency]
CHARGED [currency][scratch tmp_remaining][/currency]
[if value gift_note]

Note for Gift: [value gift_note]


[L RECEIPT_PRINT]Please print this receipt for your records. Thank you for your order![/L]