[tmp page_title]__COMPANY__ -- [L]Shopping Cart[/L][/tmp] @_TOP_@

[L]Shopping cart[/L]

You have [nitems] items in your shopping cart.

[edisplay] [calc] my $cname = $Config->{CookieName} || 'MV_SESSION_ID'; $Scratch->{have_cookie} = $Tag->read_cookie($cname) and delete $Scratch->{tried}; return; [/calc] [if scratch have_cookie] [elsif scratch tried] [L CART_MSG1]You must have cookies set to leave the basket. Check out now or forever lose your shopping cart.[/L] [/elsif] [else] [set tried]1[/set] [bounce href="[area ord/basket]"] [/else] [/if]
[if items] [then] [item-list] [item-calc] #Log("Checking master item $master"); $row_class = ++$count % 2 ? 'cartnorm' : 'cartalt'; my $item = '[item-increment]'; my $up = q{[item-data merchandising upsell_to]}; my $cr = q{[item-data merchandising cross_sell]}; $upsell_remove{'[item-code]'} = 1; $cross_remove{'[item-code]'} = 1; my %seen = ( '' => 1 ); $Scratch->{upsell} .= " $up" if $up; $Scratch->{cross_codes} .= " $cr" if $cr; my @up = split /\s+/, $Scratch->{upsell}; my @cr = split /\s+/, $Scratch->{cross_codes}; @up = grep ( (!$seen{$_}++ && ! $upsell_remove{$_}), @up); @cr = grep ( (!$seen{$_}++ && ! $cross_remove{$_}), @cr); $Scratch->{upsell} = join " ", @up; $Scratch->{cross_codes} = join " ", @cr; return; [/item-calc]
Size: Large
Colour: Green
[L]Total price[/L]
[/item-list] [/then] [/if]