diff options
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/HomeDefault.ui.qml b/HomeDefault.ui.qml
index bd143ba..489c204 100644
--- a/HomeDefault.ui.qml
+++ b/HomeDefault.ui.qml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
Flickable {
property alias counter: counter
property alias tabs: tabs
- property alias tabPane: tabPane
+ property alias tabsContent: tabsContent
property alias getStarted: getStarted
property bool doesntEmbed: Qt.platform.os === "android"
|| Qt.platform.os === "linux"
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ Flickable {
GridView {
id: tabs
+ property int currentCount: 8
interactive: false
anchors {
left: parent.left
@@ -263,58 +264,146 @@ Flickable {
cellWidth: 142
cellHeight: 46
implicitHeight: width < 284 ? cellHeight * 5 : width < 426 ? cellHeight * 3 : width < 710 ? cellHeight * 2 : cellHeight
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
label: "Web Design"
- index: 0
+ count: 8
ListElement {
label: "Development"
- index: 1
+ count: 6
ListElement {
label: "Graphic Design"
- index: 2
+ count: 4
ListElement {
label: "Marketing"
- index: 3
+ count: 2
ListElement {
label: "Finance"
- index: 4
+ count: 2
delegate: TabItem {}
StackLayout {
- id: tabsContent
currentIndex: tabs.currentIndex
- Layout.preferredHeight: tabPane.height
+ Layout.preferredHeight: width < 576 ? width * 1.3
+ * tabs.currentCount
+ : width < 768 ? width / 2 * 1.3
+ * (tabs.currentCount + tabs.currentCount % 2) / 2
+ : width < 992 ? width / 3 * 1.3
+ * (tabs.currentCount + (tabs.currentCount + 1) % 3) / 3
+ : width / 4 * 1.3
+ * (tabs.currentCount + (tabs.currentCount + 2) % 4) / 4
- GridView {
- id: tabPane
- interactive: false
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- cellWidth: width < 576 ? width
- : width < 768 ? width / 2
- : width < 992 ? width / 3
- : width / 4
- cellHeight: cellWidth * 1.3
- height: width < 576
- ? cellHeight * count
- : width < 768
- ? cellHeight
- * (count + count % 2) / 2
- : width < 992
- ? cellHeight
- * (count + (count + 1) % 3) / 3
- : cellHeight
- * (count + (count + 2) % 4) / 4
+ Repeater {
+ id: tabsContent
+ model: ListModel {
+ ListElement {
+ content: [
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "All level"
+ levelColor: "#ff6f42c1"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1"
+ title: "Sketch from A to Z: for app designer"
+ truncated: "Proposal indulged no do sociable he throwing settling."
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "Beginner"
+ levelColor: "#ff0cbc87"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87"
+ title: "Graphic Design Masterclass"
+ truncated: "Rooms oh fully taken by worse do Points afraid but may end Rooms"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "Beginner"
+ levelColor: "#ff0cbc87"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87"
+ title: "Create a Design System in Figma"
+ truncated: "Rooms oh fully taken by worse do. Points afraid but may end afraid but may end."
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "Beginner"
+ levelColor: "#ff0cbc87"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87"
+ title: "Deep Learning with React-Native"
+ truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "All level"
+ levelColor: "#ff6f42c1"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1"
+ title: "Build Responsive Websites with HTML"
+ truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "Beginner"
+ levelColor: "#ff0cbc87"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87"
+ title: "Build Websites with CSS"
+ truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "All level"
+ levelColor: "#ff6f42c1"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1"
+ title: "Learn Invision"
+ truncated: "Arrived off she elderly beloved him Course regard to up he hardly."
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ image: ""
+ level: "All level"
+ levelColor: "#ff6f42c1"
+ levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1"
+ title: "JavaScript: Full Understanding"
+ truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ GridView {
+ id: tabPane
+ interactive: false
+ cellWidth: width < 576 ? width
+ : width < 768 ? width / 2
+ : width < 992 ? width / 3
+ : width / 4
+ cellHeight: cellWidth * 1.3
+ height: width < 576
+ ? cellHeight * count
+ : width < 768
+ ? cellHeight
+ * (count + count % 2) / 2
+ : width < 992
+ ? cellHeight
+ * (count + (count + 1) % 3) / 3
+ : cellHeight
+ * (count + (count + 2) % 4) / 4
+ model: content
+ delegate: CardGrid {
+ width: tabPane.cellWidth
+ height: tabPane.cellHeight
+ imageSource: image
+ badgeText: level
+ badgeColor: levelColor
+ badgeBackgroundColor: levelBackgroundColor
+ titleText: title
+ textTruncateText: truncated
+ }
+ }