import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15 import Bootstrap 5.3 import Eduport 1.4 import "../../../../DropShadow" as DrpShdw import "../../../../Button/NavLink" as NavLink import "Main/TabContents" as MainTabContents ColumnLayout { property alias tabs: tabs property alias courseDescription: courseDescription Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: 15 Layout.rightMargin: 15 implicitHeight: content.height Rectangle { id: content color: Eduport.bsBodyBg anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } implicitHeight: tabs.height + tabContents.height + 83.2 DrpShdw.Box { source: rectangle anchors.fill: rectangle } Rectangle { id: rectangle anchors.fill: container color: Eduport.bsCardBg radius: 5.2 } ColumnLayout { id: container anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } GridView { id: tabs interactive: false Layout.topMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 25.6 Layout.rightMargin: 25.6 Layout.bottomMargin: 16 cellWidth: 105.016 cellHeight: 46 implicitWidth: parent.width - 51.2 implicitHeight: Math.ceil(count / Math.floor(count / (cellWidth * count / width))) * cellHeight model: ["Overview", "Curriculum", "Instructor", "Reviews", "FAQs", "Comment"] delegate: NavLink.TabsLine {} } MenuSeparator { contentItem: Rectangle { implicitWidth: container.width implicitHeight: 1 color: Eduport.bsBorderColor } } StackLayout { id: tabContents currentIndex: tabs.currentIndex Layout.topMargin: 25.6 Layout.leftMargin: 25.6 Layout.rightMargin: 25.6 Layout.bottomMargin: 25.6 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 51.2 Layout.preferredHeight: switch ( currentIndex) { case 0: return overview.height; case 2: return instructor .height; default: return 0; } ColumnLayout { id: overview Label { text: qsTr("Course Description") wrapMode: Label.Wrap Bootstrap.heading: 5 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.bottomMargin: 16 } Label { id: courseDescription text: qsTr("Welcome to the Digital Marketing Ultimate Course Bundle - 12 Courses in 1 (Over 36 hours of content)") wrapMode: Label.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true } } Item {} MainTabContents.Instructor { id: instructor } Item {} Item {} Item {} } } } } }