import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import Eduport 1.4 import "Minimal" import "../../Home/Default" Flickable { property alias courseGrid: courseGrid contentHeight: main.height Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: Eduport.bsBodyBg } ColumnLayout { id: main anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } FilterBar { Layout.topMargin: 16 Layout.rightMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 16 Layout.fillWidth: true } GridView { id: courseGrid interactive: false Layout.fillWidth: true implicitHeight: main.width < 576 ? cellHeight * count : main.width < 768 ? cellHeight * count / 2 : main.width < 992 ? cellHeight * count / 3 : cellHeight * count / 4 cellWidth: main.width < 576 ? width : main.width < 768 ? width / 2 : main.width < 992 ? width / 3 : width / 4 cellHeight: cellWidth * 400 / 533 + 220.35 model: ListModel { ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" liked: false title: "Sketch from A to Z: for app designer" rate: 4.0 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: true title: "Graphic Design Masterclass" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: false title: "Create a Design System in Figma" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: true title: "Deep Learning with React-Native" rate: 4.0 } ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" liked: true title: "Build Responsive Websites with HTML" rate: 4.0 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: false title: "Build Websites with CSS" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Intermediate" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: false title: "The Complete Web Development in python" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Intermediate" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: false title: "Angular – The Complete Guider" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: true title: "Bootstrap 5 From Scratch" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: false title: "PHP with - CMS Project" rate: 4.0 } ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" liked: true title: "Digital Marketing Masterclass" rate: 4.5 } ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" liked: true title: "Learn Invision" rate: 3.5 } } delegate: Card { width: courseGrid.cellWidth height: courseGrid.cellHeight imageSource: image badgeText: level badgeColor: levelColor badgeBackgroundColor: levelBackgroundColor favorite.checked: liked titleText: title truncatedVisible: false rating: rate } } } }