import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15 Flickable { property alias counter: counter property alias tabs: tabs property alias tabsContent: tabsContent property alias getStarted: getStarted property bool doesntEmbed: Qt.platform.os === "android" || Qt.platform.os === "linux" || Qt.platform.os === "osx" || Qt.platform.os === "unix" || Qt.platform.os === "windows" contentHeight: body.height FontLoader { id: regular source: doesntEmbed ? "" : "Roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf" } ColumnLayout { id: body anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } GridLayout { id: banner columns: width < 992 ? 1 : 2 rows: width < 992 ? 2 : 1 Layout.leftMargin: -9 Layout.rightMargin: -9 Layout.bottomMargin: 48 ColumnLayout { Layout.topMargin: 48 Layout.leftMargin: 15 Layout.rightMargin: 15 Layout.bottomMargin: 48 Layout.maximumWidth: body.width < 992 ? body.width : body.width / 2 FontLoader { id: heebo source: "Heebo/Heebo-Bold.ttf" } Label { text: qsTr("Limitless learning at your fingertips") color: "#24292d" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true font { family: pointSize: 23.6 + .0432 * width } } FontLoader { id: medium source: doesntEmbed ? "" : "Roboto/Roboto-Medium.ttf" } Label { text: qsTr("Online learning and teaching marketplace with 5K+ courses & 10M students. Taught by experts to help you acquire new skills.") color: "#747579" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true font { family: doesntEmbed ? "Roboto" : pointSize: 18.75 } } Button { id: getStarted Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.leftMargin: 24 Layout.rightMargin: 24 Layout.bottomMargin: 25.6 horizontalPadding: 24 verticalPadding: 12.8 contentItem: Text { color: getStarted.down ? "#ffffff" : "#d6293e" text: qsTr("Get Started") horizontalAlignment: Text .AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text .AlignVCenter font { family: doesntEmbed ? "Roboto" : pixelSize: 16 weight: Font.Medium } } background: Rectangle { radius: 8 color: getStarted.down ? "#d6293e" : Qt.rgba(.839, .16, .243, .1) border { color: getStarted.down ? "#d6293e" : "transparent" width: 1 } } } } Item { Layout.topMargin: 48 Layout.leftMargin: 24 Layout.rightMargin: 24 Layout.fillWidth: true implicitHeight: image.height DropShadow { source: angularRectangle anchors.fill: angularRectangle color: Qt.rgba(.113, .227, .325, .15) } Rectangle { id: angularRectangle radius: 8 implicitWidth: angularImage.width + 16 implicitHeight: angularImage.height + 16 anchors { top: right: parent.right rightMargin: 24 } Image { id: angularImage source: "" anchors.centerIn: parent } } Image { id: image source: "" width: parent.width fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } } } GridView { id: counter interactive: false cellWidth: width < 576 ? width : width < 1200 ? width / 2 : width / 4 cellHeight: 125.6 Layout.fillWidth: true implicitHeight: width < 576 ? cellHeight * count : width < 1200 ? cellHeight * count / 2 : cellHeight model: ListModel { ListElement { icon: "Font-Awesome/svgs/solid/tv.svg" count: "10K" title: qsTr("Online Courses") bgColor: "#26f7c32e" } ListElement { icon: "Font-Awesome/svgs/solid/user-tie.svg" count: "200+" title: qsTr("Expert Tutors") bgColor: "#1a1d3b53" } ListElement { icon: "Font-Awesome/svgs/solid/user-graduate.svg" count: "60K+" title: qsTr("Online Students") bgColor: "#1a6f42c1" } ListElement { icon: "Bootstrap/icons/patch-check-fill.svg" count: "6K+" title: qsTr("Certified Courses") bgColor: "#1a17a2b8" } } delegate: Counter { implicitWidth: counter.cellWidth implicitHeight: counter.cellHeight } } ColumnLayout { Layout.topMargin: 64 Layout.leftMargin: 15 Layout.rightMargin: 15 Layout.bottomMargin: 48 ColumnLayout { Layout.bottomMargin: 25.6 Label { text: qsTr("Most Popular Courses") color: "#24292d" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.bottomMargin: 8 font { family: pointSize: 22.5 + .020625 * width } } Label { text: qsTr("Choose from hundreds of courses from specialist organizations") color: "#747579" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true font { family: doesntEmbed ? "Roboto" : pointSize: 15 } } } Rectangle { color: Qt.rgba(.0235, .416, .788, .1) radius: 10 implicitHeight: tabs.height + 20 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.bottomMargin: 25.6 GridView { id: tabs interactive: false anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: 16 right: parent.right rightMargin: 16 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } cellWidth: 142 cellHeight: 46 implicitHeight: width < 284 ? cellHeight * 5 : width < 426 ? cellHeight * 3 : width < 710 ? cellHeight * 2 : cellHeight model: ["Web Design", "Development", "Graphic Design", "Marketing", "Finance"] delegate: TabItem {} } } StackLayout { currentIndex: tabs.currentIndex property int currentCount: tabsContent.itemAt(currentIndex).count Layout.preferredHeight: width < 576 ? width * 1.3 * currentCount : width < 768 ? width / 2 * 1.3 * (currentCount + currentCount % 2) / 2 : width < 992 ? width / 3 * 1.3 * (currentCount + (currentCount + 1) % 3) / 3 : width / 4 * 1.3 * (currentCount + (currentCount + 2) % 4) / 4 Repeater { id: tabsContent model: ListModel { ListElement { content: [ ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" title: "Sketch from A to Z: for app designer" truncated: "Proposal indulged no do sociable he throwing settling." }, ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" title: "Graphic Design Masterclass" truncated: "Rooms oh fully taken by worse do Points afraid but may end Rooms" }, ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" title: "Create a Design System in Figma" truncated: "Rooms oh fully taken by worse do. Points afraid but may end afraid but may end." }, ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" title: "Deep Learning with React-Native" truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther" }, ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" title: "Build Responsive Websites with HTML" truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther" }, ListElement { image: "" level: "Beginner" levelColor: "#ff0cbc87" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a0cbc87" title: "Build Websites with CSS" truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther" }, ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" title: "Learn Invision" truncated: "Arrived off she elderly beloved him Course regard to up he hardly." }, ListElement { image: "" level: "All level" levelColor: "#ff6f42c1" levelBackgroundColor: "#1a6f42c1" title: "JavaScript: Full Understanding" truncated: "Far advanced settling say finished raillery. Offered chiefly farther" } ] } } GridView { id: tabPane interactive: false cellWidth: width < 576 ? width : width < 768 ? width / 2 : width < 992 ? width / 3 : width / 4 cellHeight: cellWidth * 1.3 model: content delegate: CardGrid { width: tabPane.cellWidth height: tabPane.cellHeight imageSource: image badgeText: level badgeColor: levelColor badgeBackgroundColor: levelBackgroundColor titleText: title textTruncateText: truncated } } } } } } }