import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import Eduport 1.4 import "../../../../Label" ColumnLayout { property alias banks: banks Body { text: qsTr("Pay with Net Banking") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.rightMargin: 16 Layout.leftMargin: 16 Layout.topMargin: 16 } ColumnLayout { Layout.margins: 16 Body { text: qsTr("In order to complete your transaction, we will transfer you over to Eduport secure servers.") Layout.fillWidth: true } Body { text: qsTr("Select your bank from the drop-down list and click proceed to continue with your payment.") Layout.fillWidth: true } ComboBox { id: banks Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: 24 font: Eduport.bsBodyFont model: ListModel { ListElement { label: "Please choose one" } ListElement { label: "Bank of America" } ListElement { label: "Bank of India" } ListElement { label: "Bank of London" } } contentItem: Text { text: banks.displayText font: banks.font color: Eduport.bsBodyColor verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } background: Rectangle { width: banks.width color: Eduport.bsBodyBg radius: 8 } delegate: ItemDelegate { contentItem: Text { text: label font: banks.font color: Eduport.bsBodyColor verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } background: Rectangle { width: banks.width color: Eduport.bsBodyBg } } } } }