import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15 import Bootstrap 5.3 RowLayout { property alias courseTitle: courseTitle property alias courseThumb: courseThumb property alias courseProgressPercentage: courseProgressPercentage property alias courseProgressBar: courseProgressBar property alias courseListActionButton: courseListActionButton spacing: 16 Rectangle { id: courseThumbnail radius: 8 Layout.preferredHeight: 72 Layout.preferredWidth: 100 Layout.minimumHeight: 72 Layout.minimumWidth: 100 Image { id: courseThumb source: "" sourceSize: Qt.size(parent.width, parent.height) visible: false } OpacityMask{ anchors.fill: courseThumbnail source: courseThumb maskSource: courseThumbnail } } ColumnLayout{ id: courseProgressInfo spacing: 0 width: parent.width - image.width - spacing Label{ id: courseTitle text: "Building Scalable APIs with GraphQL" Layout.fillWidth: true Bootstrap.heading: 6 } RowLayout { // So the Bar and % of value side by side ProgressBar { id: courseProgressBar value: completedLectures / totalLectures * 100 to: 100 width: parent.width * 0.7 height: 10 background: Rectangle { color: "#666666" // Background color of the ProgressBar } } Label{ id: courseProgressPercentage text: Math.round(completedLectures / totalLectures * 100) + "%" Bootstrap.heading: 6 // horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight // Layout.fillWidth: true } } } Button { id: courseListActionButton icon.source: "Material/svg/filled/play_circle_outline.svg" text: "Continue" font.weight: Font.Medium "Roboto" font.pointSize: 14 } }