path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-25Rename project to qinterchangeꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2021-06-20Update instruction to default to FreeBSDꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2021-06-06Add support for Emscriptenꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2021-06-04Update instructions and libicclient stateꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2021-04-19Update instruction for NDK r21d and fixed Qt5.15.2ꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2021-04-16Update instruction for independent NDK installation and Qt 5.15.2ꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2020-12-05Adjusted instructions for 32 bit archs API versionꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2020-12-01Update instructions for NDK r21b & Qt 5.15.1ꦌꦫꦶꦏ꧀ꦦꦿꦧꦮꦑꦩꦭ꧀
2020-06-06Update instructions, using CMake nowꦌ ꦫꦶ ꦏ꧀ꦦꦿ ꦧ ꦮ ꦑ ꦩ ꦭ꧀
2020-01-23Make link to libicclient absoluteꦌ ꦫꦶ ꦏ꧀ꦦꦿ ꦧ ꦮ ꦑ ꦩ ꦭ꧀
2020-01-23Initial Doxyfile and READMEꦌ ꦫꦶ ꦏ꧀ꦦꦿ ꦧ ꦮ ꦑ ꦩ ꦭ꧀